What is happening in Delhi is genocide-Ayesha Renna
Anti Citizenship Amendment Act protest leader and Jamia Millia Islamia student Ayesha Renna says the attack against muslims in Delhi, the national capital is a systematic genocide. ”What is being done is a proper, systematic genocide. Riots are conflicts between law enforcement and the system, with different groups fighting each other. But that’s not happening in Delhi. Genocide is aimed specifically at particular communities and religions”. Ayesha Renna was speaking at the anti CAA, NRC protest program ‘Occupy Rajbhavan’ organised by the Welfare Party in Thiruvanathapuram. Read the full speech
”I am talking to you now with great concern. The news coming from Delhi is not very good. Especially in north-east Delhi, police have announced 144. There is a scuffle between the police and the RSS goons in these areas. They have carried out widespread and brutal violence in places like Jaffarabad, Noor-Ilahi and Chanbad. Some videos and photos released through social media reveal the horror of such violence.
According to media reports, riots are taking place in Delhi. But there really is no riot. What is being done is a proper, systematic genocide. Riots are conflicts between law enforcement and the system, with different groups fighting each other. But that’s not happening in Delhi. Genocide is aimed specifically at particular communities and religions. It would not be fair to use a word other than genocide to refer to it. So far, 34 people have been martyred in the police attack and other violence in the country. As per the latest information received from Delhi, 5 people including a policeman were killed. On this occasion, I pray that we can win this struggle without losing more lives. The three videos and photos that go viral on social media are out of my mind. The first is calling the Sangh Parivar team, which is armed with police equipment, to encourage them to attack in a gully. The mob immediately goes there, strikes and destroys everything in sight. The second was a photo taken by Danish (Reuters). The film depicts a Muslim youth being brutally beaten by more than ten people. The young man has his head broken. The whole body is bathed in blood. He has bowed down to the ground due to the heavy attack. The third one was another video. In it, the police themselves have confiscated a few youths like a stick on the roadside. Then they are beaten and asked to sing the national anthem. Later Police make a mockery asking if you want Azadi.
During the protests in Delhi and elsewhere, many oppressed people shared that when confronted by the police, they asked whether you want Azadi (independence). Yes, we need Azadi. All we can say is that we want freedom from the ideals and practices of Modi, Amit Shah, the central government and the Sangh’s forces. When we ask for hum ka chahte (what we need), we simply call it Azadi. It must be from within us.
We now stand by the conviction that this is our last chance to regain our freedom. Here they seek to undermine our independence and existence. Part of it is happening in Delhi. This is a systematic genocide. When Amit Shah and his associates introduced the law, it was supposed to be an anti-Muslim law and they could be suppressed by Pakistan and communalism. But then not only the Muslims but everyone in the country was going against it. Despite all religious and cultural differences and all came together. Later, we saw the streets filling with people declaring that we would not allow the democracy and the constitution to be abolished. At every stage of the struggle, the mothers and those of you who walk down the streets in solidarity are inspired. At some point, my mother calls and inspires me for another breakthrough. It is up to you and everyone in the streets to rise up. The struggles that are taking place in various parts of the country will help us to take the courageous step forward in Delhi and on campus.
The National Register for Citizenship (NRC) and the National Population Registry (NPR) are the other functions of the Citizenship Amendment Act. These are interrelated. The government has announced that the implementation of NPR will commence from April. The reality is that the NPR process will be completed once the census information is entered on the NPR site. So we must be prepared to declare that no information will be provided to those who come to the NPR or the census. Those in Delhi say, kagaz Nahim Dikayenke (we won’t show the paper). We need to be able to practice it. We all have to make a decision that we will never cooperate with the census unless the CAA, NRC and NPR are clear cut. We demand the release of political prisoners caught up as part of the citizenship movement in different parts of the country. Sargilumar, Akhil Gegoy, Kafeel Khan, students of Jamia and Aligarh, and all those imprisoned in UP and Karnataka, demand immediate release. Our struggle is taking a bold step forward. The authorities fear our struggles. That is why the authorities are trying to break this struggle in various ways. All we can say is that we strive to be successful. So we will never go back. The wrongdoers must fail. So you will have to withdraw”.